New PHIL Family Group

Well actually not very new……. I have been very slack on the One Name Study for the last few years when I have been busier on the Open Source Software stuff. Philip Gammon contacted me over five years ago apparently, but got back in touch recently. This prompted me, with information from his email, to find the tree I had started back then (but not finished) and continue linking his tree to the BMD and census data for Gammon people that I have collected in my indexes. This is a family that has been in the Maidstone (Kent, England) area for many years. I really need more copies of certificates to confirm relationships, and/or to dig a bit deeper into other datasets to go back further in time. The work so far can be found here:

PHIL Family Group

Phil has a lot more information about his family tree than I have in my database, and believes there is a connection with the STEP Family Group of Boxley, Kent.

We have a DNA result from the PHIL Family Group in the FamilyTreeDNA Gammon Project. The haplogroup in this result seems to be distinct from other DNA tests in the Gammon project. Results from someone connected to the STEP family would be very interesting. Do you know anyone called Gammon with connections in Kent?