What else have I done over the last year?

Continuing with my theme in the last couple of posts on Open Source Stuff, I thought I would now write about all the other stuff I did last year.

Easter 2015 was spent as most years are: in Neudorf, Germany.


In May we visited the Zoological Museum in Copenhagen and made a display from a dead beetle!


In June, Alexander went to his first summer scout camp. Then in July, we took off to Melbourne for a holiday in my home town of Melbourne, Australia. I must write a public thank you to Bec & Jeff (my little bro) for putting us up, and arranging for a couple of parties that enabled us to catch up with lots of family members that I hadn’t seen in years. This meant a lot for me. It was especially great to meet my new nephew (Jax) and be there for his first birthday party.


In August, Alexander and I went to the Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix for some V8 action.


We also went for a tip on the Lyngby Lakes on one lovely summers day.


We also went to the Arla Food Festival in Copenhagen, and Alexander went up on stage to help break the record for the longest sausage made by children in Denmark.

For Alexander’s October school holiday, we visited the southern islands of Denmark for the first time.


And Alexander got a new ukulele for Christmas!


Hopefully I will be more frequent with my posts in 2016!