BUSH Family Group Added

I am just back from my Christmas holidays. Whilst I was away, I found a little bit of time here and there to process some old GoONS Newspaper Watch entries that had been sent to me over the years.

This one is for a Gammons family in Bedfordshire, UK. It starts with Benjamin C Gammons (b. 1922). His mother had Wiles as a surname. I am sure to find a connection with my other Bedfordshire trees, but unfortunately, there were two marriages between Gammons/Wiles in Bedfordshire in the same year. I need to get more detailed information about both those marriages before I can proceed further.

BUSH Family Group

FORD Family Group Added

Quite a while ago, David Gammon joined the Gammon Family Tree DNA project. Finally, I got around to compiling a tree based on information from David, and my Gammon indexes. The family lived in Nottinghamshire in England, and it appears that they moved there from Gloucestershire.

William Gammon, born 1821 in Gloucestershire was the furtherest back that I could go with my indexes. But David appears to have gone back at least one more generation.

FORD Family Group